Bringing to Light Life's Challenging Chapters
Through her storytelling and public speaking abilities, Nicole has explored and talked about the following topics:
Self-love | Cherishing Your Life Story | Continuous Growth Mindset | Love in Healthy, Meaningful Relationships | Navigating Uncertain Times | Vulnerability | Authenticity | Healing through Writing | Finding Our Passions & Purpose
Recent Speaking Opportunities
Nicole Spindler is always thrilled and honored to share her stories with others as well as her insights from writing about her life. She has chatted with authors, influencers, nonprofits, licensed therapists, and heroes. Check out some her latest conversations on podcasts down below!

Creative Healing through Transformative Writing with Author Nicole Spindler
July 17, 2022
Nicole Spindler had a lovely and empowering chat with mentee Becca Rae Eagle on her podcast Beckoning Joy -"Nicole Spindler was my lead mentor as a part of Eric Koester's Book Creators program with New Degree Press. On my personal self-care journey, I wrote my memoir thanks to Nicole's guidance. Turns out Nicole's transformation to author began the same way, in self-care!"

How to Tell Your Life's Story | #Coffeechats with Manuscripts Publishing
April 2022
Manuscripts Lead Coaches and Award-Winning Authors Kyra Ann Dawkins and Mackenzie Finklea chatted with Nicole about memoir writing in Beyond Life's Moments. She shared her thoughts on how to overcome stigma against younger memoirists, becoming a part of your brand, ways to structure your life story and being an inspiration for others.

Loss & Grief with Nicole Spindler | The Ego Project Podcast
May 2, 2023
Author Nicole Spindler chats with hosts of The Ego Project, therapist Cristine Seidell and author Lisa Heidle, on how in her memoir, Beyond Life's Moments. she used her creative writing skills and daily journaling to process her loss and grief. Nicole also talks about different types of experiences that can evoke grief, navigating guilt and shame during the grief process, and the evolving nature of grief.

Reading Sirens Podcast Interview | Read Between the Lines
November 1, 2022
Reading Sirens was joined by Nicole Spindler to discuss the Reason Why. Tune in to their discussion on her great coming of age book about learning to love yourself! We were able to pick her brain, as she shared some fun facts about your hometown and writing! Her story was really enjoyable and relatable and that’s what you really look for while reading right. It’s definitely a must read!

Surviving Trauma: Stories of Hope
August 24, 2022
The podcast stays true to its name in that Nicole talked about her loss, grief, career, following your passion, all things writing and being an author. She's the living proof of how we can overcome traumatic events in their lives and now become inspirational stories of hope by sharing our my own life-changing experiences, emotions, lessons, and aids that will hopefully the listeners know that they are not alone.

Transformational Trauma and Healing with Carrie Rickert
January 18, 2023
Join Carrie Rickert as she speaks to the author of Beyond Life's Moments and The Reason Why, Nicole Spindler. During the conversation, they explore the lessons Nicole had learned through her dad's cancer diagnosis over a decade ago, and how they set her up to be successful in future challenges, navigating her current grief, her writing journey, and
life itself.
Previous Speaking & Programming Events
Collectively completing over 60 speaking and/or programming events ranging from book clubs, book festivals, and conferences to high schools, universities and libraries, here's a snapshot of previous speaking events Nicole has done.
Writing Your Story | Memoir Writing with Local Author at Andrew Carnegie Library and Music Hall
A Night with Nicole Spindler with The University of Pittsburgh's HerCampus & Writing Club
2x Featured Author at the Greater Pittsburgh Festival of Books in East Liberty, PA (in 2023 and 2024)
Author Visit & Writing Workshop at Upper St. Clair High School (Hosted by USCHS Montage Literary Magazine)
Peters Township Public Library's Read Local Eat Local 2024 | Featured Local Author
Two Authors, Two Different Publishing Journeys, One Noteworthy Experience Chat with Local Author Barbara Brutt at Bethel Park Public Library
Women Empowering Speaker featuring JCU Alumna at John Carroll University, hosted by the Panhellenic Council

Interested in Booking Nicole for Your Next Event?
Complete the form under the Contact Tab to get in touch with her!